

We believe that focusing on ESG excellence guides us in being an ethical, resilient company to deliver value to our stakeholders now and in the future.

We believe the business of business is to make the world a better place for all of our stakeholders, including stockholders, customers, employees, partners, the planet and the communities in which we work and live. Our ESG goals align with our long-term profitable growth strategy, as well as financial and operational priorities. To that end, Salesforce is committed to transparent environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) disclosures and maintaining programs that support the success of these initiatives.

  • Salesforce has net zero residual emissions across our full value chain, and we maintain 100% renewable energy for our global operations by procuring renewable energy or renewable energy certificates equivalent to the electricity we use globally.
  • Through diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), we’re building a workplace and world where everyone has equal access, opportunities, rights, and true justice.
  • We build workforce development programs and leverage our ecosystem of partners to skill up new and diverse pipelines of talent. This helps Trailblazers build social capital, secure roles in the tech industry, thrive in meaningful careers, and achieve economic prosperity.
  • We pioneered the 1-1-1 integrated philanthropy model, by pledging 1% of our equity, 1% of our time and 1% of our product to give back to our communities. Over 18,000+ companies from over 100 countries have joined us in the Pledge 1% movement.
  • We ensure Salesforce technologies are designed, developed, and used in an ethical, accessible, and inclusive way. We champion Intentional Innovation that considers unintended consequences in product and policy and aims to prevent harm and create better product experiences for everyone.





Stakeholder Impact Report

Prior Years

Equal Employment Opportunity

Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures

Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures

Sustainable Bond Reports


We are honored to be recognized by organizations and media around the world for our ESG commitments and initiatives to be a great place to work. Below are some of our most recent awards.

Awards and Recognition